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Work-being Support Agency logo. Company name in white text on a green background

Work-being Support Agency logo. Company name in white text on a green background
WBSA is a professional bureau offering specialist assistance to support people in employment who have long-term disabilities or health conditions. Our comprehensive set of services range from training and consultancy to mentoring and providing the necessary workplace infrastructure for an employee to carry out their job successfully.
With a thorough, inclusive and flexible approach WBSA delivers focused information, resources and strategies tailor-made to assist the individual across all industry sectors and markets to ensure their professional experience is never impinged by their physical or mental parameters.

In employment and living with a disability or long term health condition?
Tailored support is available for
you to excel
Are you struggling to stay in work or recently gone off sick?
Did you know you can access 12 free sessions of tailored
1-2-1 support?

'Why manage when you can thrive!'
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