Helping You Thrive With Tailored Support
WBSA is here to help you receive the current support in order for you to go about your working day.
The types of support that can be provided are:
- job aid
- BSL interpreter
- support worker
- support worker driver
- specialist equipment
To get help from Access to Work you must:
- have a disability or health condition (physical or mental) that makes it hard for you to do parts of your job or get to and from work
- be 16 or over
- live in England, Scotland or Wales - there’s a different system in
Northern Ireland
You also need to have a paid job, or be about to start or return to one. A paid job could include:
- self-employment
- an apprenticeship
- a work trial or work experience
- an internship
You cannot get a grant for voluntary work.
Your job must be based in England, Scotland or Wales.
You cannot get Access to Work if you live in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
If you get other benefits
Certain benefits may affect whether you can get an Access to Work grant.
Universal Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance or Income Support
You can still get help from Access to Work if you work more than one hour a week.
Employment and Support Allowance
You can only get help from Access to Work if you’re doing ‘permitted work’. It’s permitted work if all of the following apply:
- you earn up to £143 a week
- you work less than 16 hours a week
- it’s been agreed with your work coach